Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fanfic (continued)

Yay, another post! I have the plot figured out know, mostly. I'm still not quite sure about a lot, but I have the bad guy and a plot out line and what will happen next, at least.

I woke up slowly, tiredly. Was it time for school already? Faint dawn light was filtering through the trees... which didn't make sense. My room had kitty posters, not trees. I sat up in a daze, and looked around. Trees. Leaves. Bushes. Monster. Rocks. More trees. Hmm... that list sounded funny. I went over it again. Trees... leaves... bushes... monster... rocks... Ah, monster. That was odd. I focused on the incongruous object. It was green. Well, that made sense. It was kind of ugly. Also understandable. It had a horn, kind of like a unicorn. But less shiny. It got closer, and I kind of thought I should leave. But it was so pretty here... I tried to reason with myself. It would be pretty somewhere else, too... But how do I know that... The monster wouldn't be blocking my view somewhere else. That was a good enough, so I turned to leave. Oh, my backpack. I picked it up, and started to stroll away. The monster was closer. That wasn't fair. I was moving away, so shouldn't it be further behind me..? Next time I turned, It was only a few yards behind me, saying something in a gruff voice that I couldn't understand. I giggled. It reminded me of Japanese! Hmm... I didn't know that monsters knew Japanese. Maybe I should try to talk to it! Wait, maybe I shouldn't talk to it. Yeah, It probably had bad grammar, and would mess me up. I didn't know very much, after all. Maybe it would trick me into saying something wrong! I decided to go a little faster. The air felt kind of heavy, though. Maybe I should go in the other direction..? I slowed, though, as the monster clawed my back. Ow. That was rude, I should tell on it. Something whizzed by my face. An arrow. A sparkly arrow. It hit the monster, and they both disappeared in a pink light. Aww, I was going to talk to it! I turned to face the direction the arrow had come from, but saw only trees. I decided to go that direction anyways. It was easier to walk now then it had been, but everything was starting to blur. Had I forgotten to put on my contacts? As I stepped into a clearing, my mind suddenly cleared. My back was burning, and I could feel blood dripping down. I was tired. I had no idea where the heck I was. I looked up, and saw a girl wearing a white and green Japanese uniform shirt, and a green skirt that was way too short. "Who are you?" I asked as my sight turned black at the edges. "Nani?" She replied, stepping closer. I started to sway, then collapsed onto the cold forest floor. The last thing I saw was a red blur jumping to the girl's side...